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Atelier 15
João Mendes Ribeiro
Alexandre Alves Costa e Sergio Fernadez

Alexandre Alves Costa &Sergio Fernandez

Atelier 15

Alexandre Alves Costa (Oporto, 1939) and Sergio Fernandez (Oporto, 1937) are a pair of architects who graduated from the Oporto School of Fine Arts (1966 and 1965 respectively) and are recognised for their commitment to academic activity and writing, as well as for the architectural projects and works they have developed since the 1970s. To begin the chronological timeline we have established for this monograph, we selected two villas (Vill`Alcina and Casa de Férias), built in Caminha between 1971 and 1975. Both have the particularity of corresponding to individual projects by each of the authors and have established themselves as paradigms in the history of contemporary single-family housing in Portugal. It is from these that we will see the unfolding of a long journey that they have travelled together and from which a special way of dealing with issues related to heritage rehabilitation stands out: ‘Reconstruction and Reuse’, ‘Musealisation and Valorisation’ are key words that define intervention practices, both within the broad scope of a vast series of new facilities designed in Idanha-a-Velha, and in the more restricted context of the Santa Clara-a-Velha complex, where there is a new ‘place to see and read the ruin’.

João Mendes Ribeiro

João Mendes Ribeiro Arquitetura 

Architect graduated from the University of Porto, where he also taught between 1989 and 1991. He took his PHD in Architecture from University of Coimbra, in 2009, in the field Theory and History. Since 1991 he has been teaching Architectural Design in the same university, where he was the assistant of Professor Architect Fernando Távora between 1991 e 1998.

His work has been awarded national and internationally, with prizes such as: Architécti Prize, 1997 e 2000; Diogo de Castilho Prize 2003, 2007, 2011, 2017 and 2021; FAD Awards 2004 (Interior Design category), 2016 (Architecture category) and 2022 (opinion prize, Interior Design category); Gold Medal for Best Stage Design, 11th International Exhibition of Scenography and Theatre Architecture – Prague Quadrennial 2007; Enor Prize 2009, Portugal category (ex-aequo); BIAU Awards, Ibero-American Architecture and Urbanism Biennial 2012 and 2016; RIBA Award for International Excellence 2016; BigMat Award 2017, Restoration category; Urban Rehabilitation National Award 2017 and 2021; Secil ArchitectureAward 2020 (ex-aequo); National Prize for Architecture in Wood - PNAM 2021; João Almada Prize 2022, non residential category; Dezeen Awards 2022, public vote, Small Buildings category.

He has received the Highly Commended AR Emerging Architecture awards 2000 and honorable mentions in: Outros Mercadus Prize 2008 – Architecture, Design and Ephemeral Spaces; National Prize for Architecture in Wood - PNAM 2013; IHRU Prize 2015; Nuno Teotónio Pereira Prize 2017; Fassa Bortolo Domus Restoration and Conservation International Award 2021 and Urban Rehabilitation National Award 2021 and 2022.

He was a finalist in: FAD Awards 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2022; BIAU Awards, Ibero-American Architecture and Urbanism Biennial 2000 and 2004; Enor Prize 2009, 2011, 2014 and 2017; European Prize for Urban Public Space 2016; RIBA International Prize 2016; AZ Awards 2017 for Design Excellence and Fassa Bortolo Domus Restoration and Conservation International Award 2018.

He received, in 2007, the AICA Award for Visual Arts and Architecture given by the International Association of Art Critics and the Portuguese Ministry of Culture, assigned by his body of work. In 2006 he was distinguished with the Comenda da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique by the President of Portugal.

Gonçalo Canto Moniz

Gonçalo Canto


Gonçalo Canto Moniz
João Mendes Ribeiro
Gonçalo Byrne

Gonçalo Byrne

Gonçalo Byrne Arquitetos

Gonçalo Canto Moniz (Porto, 1971) is an architect and Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture (DARQ) of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, where he graduated in 1995 and obtained his PhD in 2011. At DARQ, he is a member of the Scientific Committee and a lecturer in Project Atelier and Research Methodologies for the Integrated Master's Degree in Architecture, the European Master's Degree in Architecture, Landscape and Archaeology and the PhD in Architecture. Between 1999 and 2019 he was editor of e|d|arq and Joelho - a magazine of architectural culture.

He is a researcher at the Cities, Cultures and Architecture Centre (CCArq) of the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (CES). At CES, he is a member of the Internal Monitoring Unit and was a board member from 2013-2017

She coordinates the European project URBiNAT ‘Healthy corridor as drivers of social housing neighbourhoods for the co-creation of social, environmental and marketable NBS’, based at CES, with 28 international partners, funded by H2020. Participates in the EU-ROPA project: Rise of Portuguese Modern Architecture, based at CES and funded by FCT. She is part of the UC team in the European project Collaborative Redesign with schools, coordinated by Newcastle University and funded by Erasmus Plus.

He has researched and published on urban regeneration and modern architecture, particularly on school facilities and the teaching of architecture, and is the author of the book O Ensino Moderno da Arquitectura. A Formação do Arquitecto nas Escolas de Belas Artes em Portugal (1931-69), published by FIMS, Afrontamento, in 2019 and the book Arquitetura e Instrução: o projecto moderno do liceu, 1836-1936, published by e|d|arq.

He is a member of DOCOMOMO International's ‘ISC Education and Training’ commission. 

He is a member of the scientific board of the Marques da Silva Institute Foundation.

Gonçalo Byrne

Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos has an extensive body of work in Portugal, Italy, Belgium, etc. We approach a generalist, multidisciplinary, and convergent architecture which may develop an enriching dialogue between new interventions and respective environments.

Our practice implies an extremely complex knowledge of different fields beyond architecture, from engineering to landscaping, sustainability, archaeology, among others, already

proven in several works internationally accredited. These have been widely published in many architectural magazines (Casabella, Domus, C3 Magazine, Oris, Icon, etc.) and acclaimed in exhibitions and other events of cultural relevance, nominated and awarded, such as the Piranesi Prix de Rome, attributed, in its 2014 edition, to the National Museum Machado de Castro, in Coimbra.


Gonçalo Byrne is an architect graduated from the School of Fine Arts of Lisbon holding an Honorary Degree from the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon and from the Faculty of Architecture of Alghero, in Italy. In 1975, he established his own practice and, in 1991, he founded the studio Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos.

Since 1970, he is a member of the Portuguese Architects Association (n.o 520), and since 2008, a member of the Italian Province of Vicenza Architects Association (n.o 2077). He was part of the Portuguese Board of the U.I.A. and a delegate of the World Assembly and Congress of this same organization. Between 1985 and 1987, he was director of Jornal Arquitectos (the journal published by the Portuguese Architects Association).

Byrne has been teaching at several international universities including Lausanne, Harvard, Venice, Mendrisio, Leuven, Pamplona, Milan, Kansas State University, among others. He is often a jury member in many design competitions and
accolades, such as for example for the Mies van der Rohe
Award (year 2017), the Vasco Vilalva Award attributed by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Swiss Architectural Award - BSI Architectural Foundation (for which he is a permanent member of the consulting board), the Juana de Vega Award (La Coruña), among others.

His studio is a reference in the Portuguese architectural context as a “second” school for many of his collaborators who, after leaving the studio and establishing their own practices, often become co-authors of several works with Gonçalo Byrne.

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