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Teaching, Reuse and Transformation of Modern Architecture and the City

THEME and Call for Abstracts

The Modern Movement was the main architectural concept of the 20th century, transforming the built environment around the world in an unprecedented way. When pioneering architects began to explore the relationship between new ways of life and the innovative possibilities of construction, they paved the way for contemporary architecture, guided by visionary ideas of form, space, technology and social responsibility.


More than 100 years after the first works of the Modern Movement, many of its values have been re-evaluated, adapted or even rejected. However, the original spirit, deeply linked to the foundations of contemporary society, remains valid. After a period of devaluation, the values of the Modern Movement are being rediscovered and reinterpreted by new generations. The path of revived modern architecture has been taken up again and transformed into something new and relevant through rehabilitation actions.


Today, many modern buildings have lost their original functions or face urgent repair needs. The current challenge is to find ways of preserving this heritage in an ever-changing context marked by physical, economic and functional transformations, as well as social, political, climatic, geographical and scientific factors.

Modernity is now recognised as a world heritage site and seen as a sustainable design tool, a project method and a key to the future of architecture and cultural debates. Issues such as the reuse of materials, spatial and functional transformation, or the updating of standards, are increasingly important on the contemporary agenda. Beyond restoration and conservation, renovation and adaptive reuse are beginning to ‘make history’ by recognising that heritage transforms with us.


Preserving the architectural heritage of the 20th century requires us to recognise both the opportunity and the obligation to rethink the landscape, urban ensembles and reuse buildings that have lost their function, are obsolete or do not meet today's demanding standards. Current discussions focus on issues such as physical restoration, the need for spatial or functional transformation and the fulfilment of contemporary comfort and safety requirements within the framework of environmental sustainability. This process involves assessing the value of existing structures and weighing up their social, economic and environmental relevance. Interventions therefore require a balance between technical analysis and artistic sensitivity, which demands a thorough understanding of the building's history, exhaustive knowledge of its useful life and uses over time, as well as a careful assessment of the materials and techniques used in construction.

In Portugal, there are notable examples of intervention in modern heritage, such as the restoration of the Marés Swimming Pool in Leça de Palmeira, the renovation of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's Grand Auditorium, the rehabilitation of the Batalha Cinema and the restoration of the Casa das Marinhas. However, there are many other lesser-known examples that also deserve to be highlighted.


The Teaching, Reuse and Transformation of Modern Architecture and the City conference seeks to highlight intervention strategies for modern architectural heritage, urban ensembles and landscapes in Portugal. We invite academics, researchers and others interested in this topic to submit papers that explore and deepen interventions carried out or research aimed at preserving these modern ensembles, contributing to their documentation, valorisation and protection.


We encourage interdisciplinary approaches, stimulating debates that integrate architecture, design, art, history, urbanism, landscape and territory. Join us in celebrating the richness and value of modern architecture in Portugal, exploring its potential for reuse and transformation.


We invite submissions in Portuguese and English, for a 15-minute presentation and paper.


To submit an application, please send: a 500-word abstract, accompanied by a 100-word biographical note, to the email: , until March 15, 2025.


If the abstract is accepted, the final paper of 3000 words must be submitted by June 15, 2025 .


December 16, 2024 – March 15, 2025: Call for abstracts

April 10, 2025: Communication of results

June 15, 2025: Final paper for submission

October 20-21, 2025: Congress

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